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It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s Meteor for iOS!

Hey, Apple lovers… we have some really cool news!

It’s a great day for Meteor! It has returned for more action, and this time it’s set to land in the iOS Universe.

It’s been a very busy 8 months for Meteor since its Android launch last March. The app has been downloaded over 500,000 times in the Google Play Store, allowing users to test their network connections while commuting, traveling or just getting lost in some distant part of the universe. And yes… to make Meteor accessible for all Earthlings, besides English, we are soon releasing 12 other languages, including Chinese, French, Italian, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, German, Malay, Khmer and Spanish.

Meteor is a free, simple app without any advertising. And that is something that sets us apart from the competition. But there is more! Let’s get into some more ’meteoric’ details.

Understanding results

Imagine you just got a new iPhone X, but when you pull it out of the box to try out some new apps you find your internet connection is killing you. You know that your internet is bad, but what can you do with it?

Meteor is the speed test app that tells you how your favorite apps will work with your current internet connection. It tests 25 applications including Facebook, Instagram, Clash Royale, Youtube, Spotify and Pokemon Go.

Test your apps with Meteor iOS Test your apps with Meteor iOS


Meteor has a very simple, straightforward interface to make navigation very easy. The different screens allow you to speed test, measure and organize your history into a list or map so you can keep track of your tests very easily.

Living inside the app there is Cosmo the Monster, a chunky funky Martian whose job is to help you get the most out of the app. If you are a less technical user and want to understand how mobile internet speed and latency affects your experience the monster is there to assist you.

Meteor iOS screens Meteor iOS screens

So, why is Meteor better?

A lot of apps test speed, but they often offer up their measurements as mere numbers, which most consumers can't make heads or tails of. We’ve developed a rating system that can help you translate your test results into expected app experience.

  • Poor - Weak, lagging experience. Pretty much unusable.
  • OK - Usable with limitations.
  • Very Good - Almost flawless experience with occasional connection problems.
  • Awesome - It doesn't get better than this.

In addition, Meteor for iOS uses OpenSignal's market-proven test methodology in order to show you realistic Internet speeds instead of optimized peak speeds. How so? Well, Meteor looks at average speeds and takes data samples from servers that match user experience.

If you haven't done it already, download Meteor at the Apple Store or on Google Play. Let us know your feedback and we definitely welcome your reviews.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and If you want to keep up-to-date with future releases (we’ve got a few coming) let us know on [email protected].