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Quantifying the global 5G experience across ten operators

Posted: May 20, 2020

Understanding the extent to which 5G improves the mobile experience is critical both for consumers considering upgrading to 5G and also for the mobile industry that’s planning how quickly to invest in 5G. We’ve looked at how the 5G experience compares in four leading countries — Australia, South Korea, the U.S. and the U.K. — across ten 5G operators that all launched 5G well over six months ago.

5G smartphone users experience 111.8 Mbps average download speed

Posted: Jun 20, 2019

5G is here, but how fast is it? In the first country to see widespread 5G adoption, South Korea, Opensignal’s analytics reveals the average download speed of 5G smartphone owners is 111.8 Mbps or 48% faster than users with comparable recent 4G flagship smartphones1 and 134% higher than other 4G smartphone users. These metrics will likely improve as 5G becomes more mainstream and the early 5G technology matures over the coming months.